there’s a dedicated team of attorneys for every legal matter.

At Virtue Law Group, we have experienced attorneys for nearly every financial or legal matter. So, when you or your family face hardship, our team can litigate the debt, bankruptcy, or civil issue on your behalf to protect your future.


Debt Relief is Our #1 Specialty

Our expert legal team spans across the country in our various locations from West coast to East coast with diverse backgrounds and case experience that allows us to select the right attorney for every case. Don’t settle with a firm that has less resources to take on your case and have the connections, know-how and access to fight hard for you outside of court and in court when necessary.


How Can Our A Virtue Law Group Help You?

Step 1
Call for a free phone consultation
(201) 201-8599​
Step 2
An experienced debt relief attorney will speak with you evaluate your case.
Step 3
If retained, we will move forward with the initial paperwork to begin working on your case.

Do you have creditors harassing you at work and home?

Has your credit score already been negatively impacted?

Have you been denied employment because of your financial situtation?

Have you been doing everything just to pay interest and getting behind no matter what you try?

Has your creditor threatened you for non payment?

Have you been struggling to pay multiple high-interest rate credit cards or personal loans?

Has your family been at risk of losing your home or other assets as a result of your financial hardship?

Were you sent legal paperwork or a lawsuit from your creditors for non-payment or late payments?

Has your personal property or car been repossessed as a result of late payments?

If your answer is yes to to working with Virtue Law Group sign up or give us a call.


our core focus

Virtue Law Group started with a respected group of established attorneys and has rapidly grown across the country into new states as demand for our services has flourished due to demonstrated success for our clients. We assist people that need general legal counsel, financial advisory all the way to protecting individuals in court with our full suite of litigation services.

From inception we are dedicated to helping consumers and everyday Americans get control over their debt and finances. We’ve seen debt hurt loved ones, family members and wanted to put our expertise to good use helping individuals around the country protect themselves from harassment from debtors.

If you're struggling with debt, Virtue Law Group can help.

It All Starts With A Free Initial Consultation, After That:

A debt specialist will customize one low monthly payment based on your financial needs.
We'll support you with information and guidance every step of the way.
You could pay off your debt in as little as 24-48 months.


Attorneys for Consumers In Debt, Civil and Commercial Legal Matters

Offering a way out of debt, collections harassment, legal action and financial burdens in 50 US states


Yes. Our attorneys can get to work for you dealing with your creditors and utilizing the full extent of the law to find a resolution that is in your favor. There are many tactics from settlement to debt validation that our law firm can pursue with your creditors and their collections branches or divisions.

It is important that a properly licensed and experienced attorney handles matters such as these and we have the right team to take this on. Our law firm can help respond to legal requests from creditors but also take them to court to fight on your behalf when necessary or find a mutually agreeable settlement with them.


We handle every individual’s situation with personal attention and each case is different. Please give us a call so we can get to understand your case and all of the details so we can put together a unique plan that suits you and your needs.

Yes there are many ways to avoid both Bankruptcy and going to court but they depend on your situation, the creditor and some of your goals and needs in the matter. Some times it is better for us to take a case to court and fight to get you the best outcome and other times it is wiser to find another solution that keeps your case out of litigation. As every case is unique we recommend speaking with our legal team to find resolution for your matter.


We’ve been able to help countless individuals with their debt problems across a large variety of verticals from auto to credit card, personal loans, bankruptcy, equipment leases and business loans, lending club and even signature loans, summons, judgments and more. Explore some of the loan types we help service below. 



With Experience and Compassion.

If you’ve been subject to harassment from your creditors or have found yourself in a difficult position financially from excessive credit card debt, bankruptcy, or civil issues our legal team can help. With extensive experience and service to 50 US states we have an expert ready for you.

Contact an expert debt relief attorney today to schedule a free and confidential consultation to discuss your situation. We look forward to serving you.

Schedule A Free & Confidential Consultation

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